Writing Receipts For Your Customers

Some of you are sewing or crafting for other people.

If you’re like me, you don’t want to spend a lot of money on supplies.

I wanted to give my customers a receipt, but I didn’t need them to look like a beautiful keepsake.

Chances are, most people throw theirs away.

In fact, some just people tell me to keep it.

So, I hunted around at different office supply stores for the perfect receipt book.

And here is what I found:

price book exterior, 633

I knew I wanted my receipt book to have carbon in it to make two copies…one for the customer and one for me.

This is pretty simple looking, but it gets the job done.

And the bonus is, that they are much cheaper than anything I could find at the big office supply stores. And, actually, I even looked at the little office supply stores and couldn’t find anything remotely close to what I was searching for.

Here’s what this one looks like on the inside:

price book, 634

There’s a place for the name, address, date, etc. There’s also a place to check off how they paid.

You can take whatever form of payment you like and are set up for: cash, check, a credit card, Venmo, Paypal, etc. Just make whatever notes you need to on the receipt so that you can reference it quickly.

Besides the personal information, I also write what kinds of alterations I made and on which garment.

This customer had only one garment that she brought to me at the time:

price book inside, 635

I covered up her name and phone number, for privacy sake, but the main part says, “Take in neck straps and replace beads and trim, hook and eyes.”

I might even occasionally describe the dress on the receipt, especially if I have two or more that look alike that are awaiting alterations.

I gave her the top copy with a business card and I keep my yellow copies attached to the book.

Sometimes on my yellow copy, I’ll write important info that I might need to remember, like an inseam measurement, a wedding or anniversary date, or something that is going on in their life. Later when they come to pick up their order, I can ask them about it.

It makes my job much more personal.

Then, at the end of each month, I put all my data into an Excel spread sheet on my computer so that if I need the customer’s information, I’ve got it on record and it’s handy.

It’s also vital for paying taxes.

You may have a favorite receipt book or other tool for this purpose.

If so, I’d love to hear what you have found to be successful.

If you want to know more about setting up your business at home, I have an e-book called A Jumpstart Guide to Starting Your Sewing and Alteration Business. It contains so much important information that you need to start any kind of sewing or crafting business, including tax and license info.

It also gives ALOT of practical advice on how to deal with customers, how to work smart, how to navigate work and home life, how to deal with difficult situations and many more helpful tips and explanations. I want my 55 years of sewing experience to help you and I think this e-book will be invaluable to you in your sewing journey!

I also have a wonderful book on how to price your work no matter the economy and no matter your location. You can grab it at Pricing Strategies For Your Sewing and Alterations Business. Just scroll down to the bottom of that page on the link.

Happy Sewing!